Friday, December 10, 2010

Eraserheads by Kate Banks- pictures by Boris Kulikov

The EraserheadsEraserheads is another collaboration of Kate Banks and Boris Kulikov and I am, again, really impressed with the creativity of the story line! This is about a day in the life of three eraser heads. While helping correct a mistake, they get stranded in the two-dimensional drawing they feel confined to. Well written and well illustrated, it's a great adventure that appealed to my three year old and a few older kids hanging out near us in the library! Banks and Kulikov are both doing what they do well!

(ISBN-13: 978-0374399207 copyright 2010)

Max's Words by Kate Banks- Pictures by Boris Kulikov

Max's WordsI stumbled upon Max's Words at our local library and I love it so much I wanted to tell you about it.  In this book, Max's brothers have impressive collections of coins and stamps, so Max wants to start a collection.  He decides to collect words and discovers that when he arranges his collection he doesn't just have a pile of stuff, he has a story! I love how Max uses his imagination and how the illustrations capture the crazy turns the story takes!

(ISBN-13: 978-0-374-39949-8 Copyright 2006)

Allison Investigates by Nicoletta

Allison Investigates: Does Chocolate Milk Come From Brown CowsAllison Investigates; Does Chocolate Milk Come From Brown Cows, Written and Illustrated by Colette Omans Nicoletta is a wonderful books for kids of all ages! The words per page are few enough to keep an active two year old interested. At the same time, the content is unique enough to keep older kids attentive as well.  The book, about how chocolate milk is made, reminds me a bit of that show "How It's Made" (but not as dry as the show).  I also really love the the illustrations. In a children's book, so much in conveyed in the pictures that they are, in my opinion, just as important as the text.  These are informative without being so detailed that the kids miss the point.  I truly hope Nicoletta will do many more Allison Investigates books!

(ISBN-13: 978-1-59298-356-8  Copyright 2011)
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the author through Bostick Communications ( I was not encouraged or required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”